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China Special Forces

特战荣耀 , 特戰榮耀 , 特種兵 , 特种兵 , 中國特種兵之特別有種 , 中国特种兵之特别有种 , Te Zhan Rong Yao , Glory of Special Forces , Блестящая спецоперация (2022)

Movie content

A coming-of-age story follows Yan Po Yue, a young man who is outstanding at everything yet remains a loner that doesn't fit well with the team. After surviving harsh training and difficult missions, he becomes a proper soldier who fights alongside his comrades.
Watch China Special Forces English sub, China Special Forces 45/45 Episode, China Special Forces Episode 46, China Special Forces Episode 47, China Special Forces Episode 48, China Special Forces Episode 49, China Special Forces Episode 50, China Special Forces Episode 51, China Special Forces Episode 52, China Special Forces Episode 53, Watch 特战荣耀 , 特戰榮耀 , 特種兵 , 特种兵 , 中國特種兵之特別有種 , 中国特种兵之特别有种 , Te Zhan Rong Yao , Glory of Special Forces , Блестящая спецоперация English Sub, 特战荣耀 , 特戰榮耀 , 特種兵 , 特种兵 , 中國特種兵之特別有種 , 中国特种兵之特别有种 , Te Zhan Rong Yao , Glory of Special Forces , Блестящая спецоперация Episode 46, 特战荣耀 , 特戰榮耀 , 特種兵 , 特种兵 , 中國特種兵之特別有種 , 中国特种兵之特别有种 , Te Zhan Rong Yao , Glory of Special Forces , Блестящая спецоперация Episode 47, 特战荣耀 , 特戰榮耀 , 特種兵 , 特种兵 , 中國特種兵之特別有種 , 中国特种兵之特别有种 , Te Zhan Rong Yao , Glory of Special Forces , Блестящая спецоперация Episode 48, 特战荣耀 , 特戰榮耀 , 特種兵 , 特种兵 , 中國特種兵之特別有種 , 中国特种兵之特别有种 , Te Zhan Rong Yao , Glory of Special Forces , Блестящая спецоперация Episode 49